Vaisala viewLinc-4.1-M211518 User Manual
Page 63

Chapter 3: System Settings
2012 Vaisala Canada Inc
Double click a Calibration property to edit it. When the
calibration property is changed, you will be asked to
confirm the change and adjust the calibration dates if
Additional channel properties are available for HMT140
Devices/HMP110 Series Transmitters:
Decimal Places:
The number of decimal places to
Presentation Scale/Offset:
The final scaling (x = Scale*
V + Offset)
Engineering Scale/Offset:
The intermediate scaling (x =
Scale* V + Offset)
Calibration Scale/Offset:
The primary calibration scaling
(x = Scale* V + Offset)
High Alarm Time/Value:
High range alarm values that
cause a Beacon to be transmitted. The time
components are the number of seconds the probe is in
alarm before transmitting a beacon. 255 = disabled.
Low Alarm Time/Value:
Low range alarm values that
cause a Beacon to be transmitted. The time