Vaisala viewLinc-4.1-M211518 User Manual
Page 154

viewLinc 4.1 Administrator Guide
For more detail, in Device Manager, under Multiport
serial adapters, right-click the device in question. Choose
Properties, select the Advanced tab, and click on the
properties button. On the left will be a list of the COM
ports used for this device.
To see which devices are being controlled by viewLinc, see
the System tab.
Q: I'm using vNet/Digi devices to connect my devices to the net-
work. I want to move my device from one location to another
within the same subnet. What do I need to do?
A: If you've used a reserved or static IP address for your
device (as recommended) and are moving your device from
one location to another within the same subnet, here are the
steps to follow:
Pause alarming on the device. (You may experience
communication alarms while performing these steps if
you do not pause alarming).
Unplug the vNet or Digi device from the network (with
devices still attached).
You do NOT need to uninstall the Digi RealPort
software from the viewLinc Server machine. In
fact, doing so will potentially cause problems
when you reattach the Digi to the network.
Move the device to another location.
Plug the device into the network again.
Resume alarming. viewLinc should be able to reconnect
with the device and allow you to see the devices.
Q: I'm using vNet/Digi device to connect my devices to the net-
work. I want to move my device from one subnet to another. What
do I need to do?
A: If you've used a reserved or static IP address for your vNet
or Digi device (as recommended) and you're moving your
device from one location to another in a different subnet,
there are several configuration steps:
Pause alarming. (You may experience communication
alarms while performing these steps if you don’t pause