Vaisala viewLinc-4.1-M211518 User Manual
Page 164

viewLinc 4.1 Administrator Guide
generate them. It must be downloaded and installed if it is not
already available
Win32OpenSSL.html This may or may not be the way you
need to do it, please check with your IT department first.
Most IT departments have their own methods of producing
Certificate/Key file location.
The viewLinc certificates are
located in the following folder:
These files should be left as they are. They may be replaced
during upgrades. Please do not replace them with similarly
named files. The names of the files that viewLinc will laod are
located in the viewlinc.cfg configuration file:
privatekeyfile = viewlinc.key
certificatefile = viewlinc.crt
When you have created your own files, the entries in
viewlinc.cfg must be modified to suit.
Creating a key and self-signed certificate.
The key names
by convention should be the domain name of the server. If
the URL to access the server is https:// then the filenames should be
Create a private key
The file created by this command contains the private RSA
key to be used by viewLinc
openssl genrsa -out 2048
Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file
This file contains the certificate request details, and as such
is not required by viewLinc. It is an intermediate step.
Create a configuration file called SSLConfig.txt containing
your certificate details. E.G.:
[ req ]
distinguished_name= req_distinguished_name