Vaisala viewLinc-4.1-M211518 User Manual
Page 167

Appendix: FAQs & Troubleshooting
2012 Vaisala Canada Inc
If the certificate file was signed by a CA, the viewLinc login
page should appear and the site should be trusted. If it is a
self-signed certificate, the browser will issue a warning. You
can continue to the site, and then install the client certificate.
The browser will always flag it is not trusted.
Useful diagnostic commands.
Run these commands and
compare the outputs:
openssl req -noout -modulus -in | openssl md5
openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in | openssl md5
openssl req -noout -modulus -in | openssl md5
The outputs should be identical if the files are related.
Run this command to connect to viewLinc and display the
certificate information:
openssl s_client -connect
Minimum requirements are OpenSSL 0.9.8h-1 or
higher for Windows installed.
Q: How do I keep my key files when upgrading from
viewLinc 4.0
to viewLinc 4.1
A: There is an installation bug in viewLinc 4.0. For this
version viewLinc will load the key files fom this location:
When creating your replacement key files, always put them in
the above folder AND in the documented folder
The keys need to go in both is because upgrading viewLinc
will destroy the
deleting your key files. viewLinc 4.1 uses the correct location,
so will find your key files in the folder.
For more help with any of these issues, contact Vaisala
Canada at 1-866-861-3388 or [email protected].