Vaisala viewLinc-4.1-M211518 User Manual

Page 152

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viewLinc 4.1 Administrator Guide


Q: My network uses a combination of Vaisala Veriteq devices and
300 Series Transmitters. How can I add them quickly?

A: To add multiple transmitters or a combination of devices

and transmitters at one time, create a .txt definitions file with

one device or transmitter defined per line. Add fields to

identify the device class and device properties (separating

each field with a tab).
To set vcom type devices (Vaisala Veriteq devices), define

the com port number to which your device is connected. For

vcom com_port=101
vcom com_port=102
vcom com_port=103
To set hmt330 type devices (300 Series Transmitters), define

the following:
• sample_rate = the internal sample rate of the device
• timeout = the timeout for communication events
• connection = the type of connection, comport or tcp
• com_port = a com port number to which your device is

connected (values for comport connections are user-


• serialno = the serial number of your device
• udp_port = UDP port number (i.e. for HMT140 devices)
• ip_port = the tcp port (values for tcp connections,

ip_address and ip_port, are user-defined)

• Common values for both tcp and comport connections:

• sample_rate = 10s, 90s (default), 12m, 2h, 12h, 2d,

or 12d

• Optional values for comport connection:

• baud = 300, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 (default), 57600,

or 115200

• stopbits = 1(default) or 2
• databits = 7 or 8(default)
• parity = odd, even or none(default)