Troubleshooting weatherlinkip communication, Program problems – DAVIS WeatherLink Getting Started Guide: Vantage Stations User Manual
Page 26
Program Problems
Troubleshooting WeatherLinkIP Communication
Note: A console using a WeatherLinkIP data logger requires use of the AC-power adapter.
Battery power can be used for short-term backup power in the event of a power outage,
but a console or Envoy with WeatherLinkIP should use the AC-power adapter as its main
source of power.
1. See if you have a connection to the internet established. Verify that you can
access a website from a computer connected to the router or switch that the
WeatherLinkIP data logger is using.
2. Check the cable connection between your WeatherLinkIP data logger and
the broadband router or switch. Check if the green light on the Weather-
LinkIP data logger is on.
3. Leaving the data logger connected to your router, disconnect power from
both your router and your console or Envoy.
4. Return power to the router or switch. Wait for at least one minute as the
router reboots and re-establishes connections.
5. Return AC power to the console or Envoy.
6. Check if the green light on the WeatherLinkIP data logger is on. If it is not
on, contact Technical Support.
7. For Consoles Only - Hold down the DONE key to exit the Setup Mode.
8. For - Wait five minutes. Go to
and register the WeatherLinkIP data logger using the Device ID and Key. If
you have already registered, check that your My Weather page is currently
being updated.
9. For WeatherLink Software - Open WeatherLink. Open the Communica-
tions Port dialog box. Select TCP/IP if it is not already selected. Select the
communications type under TCP/IP you wish to use.
For Local Connections Only
• In the Communications Port dialog box, select Local Device ID and click
Find. If the data logger is communicating on the network, the Communica-
tions Settings dialog box displays the Device ID and IP address of your
data logger. If the dialog box does not display, check connections and try
again or contact Technical Support.
• Click Test to verify communication between the station and the software.
For Web Download Only
• In the Communications Port dialog box, verify that the User ID and Pass-
word are the same User ID and Password you used when you created your
web account on
Program Problems
The barometer graph on the Bulletin does not “fill in” completely.
When you first load the bulletin, the barometer graph will only fill in com-
pletely when you have data in your database for the last six hours. Make sure
of the following: