Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6648 User Manual
Page 50

Troubleshooting IPC on OS-6/7/8XXX Series of Switches
Troubleshooting the Switch System
page 1-30
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide
September 2005
value = 10 = 0xa
Working: [Kernel]->
The above command displays a lot of information but we are interested in the most repeating socket ID. In
the above example it is 0x8. To look into what does this socket means the following command can be used
in Dshell:
Working: [Kernel]->ipc_socket_info 0x8
Socket 8:
LocalSocketID = 0x8, localidx = 0x8, Local_address = 0xf400041
RemoteSocketID = 0x8, Remote_Address = 0xf400042
QnumBufs = 1, NumBufs = 1588, seqSent = 1588, seqRecv = 1588
USRnumBufs = 1, State = 0x3, OptionFlgs = 0x0, priority = 1
blk_timeout = 0, LingerTime = 0, RxQ_Full_Threshold = 65536,
RxQ_Numbuf_Threshold = 128 congestion = 0, SockMask = 0x100,
SockMsbs = 0x0, use_sw_buf = 1
remote_cong = 0, init_done = 13, sem_use = 0, alignmentSpace = 0
Task id = 0x67f3c10 (tCsCSMtask), LastTimeStamp = 1046954691
recvErrs = 0, txCnt = 1588, txErr = 0, eagainCnt = 0
xoffsent = 0, xonsent = 0, xoffrecv = 0, xonrecv = 0, congcount = 0
value = 8 = 0x8
Working: [Kernel]->
The output of the above command shows that tCsCSMtask is the one consuming this socket.
Older versions of the code might not show the task name in the task ID so the following command can be
used to find out the tasked:
Working: [Kernel]->ti 0x67f3c10
---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- -----
tCsCSMtask csCsmMain 67f3c10 94 PEND 158540 67f34a0 3d0002 0
stack: base 0x67f3c10 end 0x67eede8 size 19320 high 15072 margin 4248
options: 0x4
%pc = 158540 %npc = 158544 %ccr = 44 %y = 0
%asi = 15 %cwp = 0 %tt = 0 %tl = 0
%pil = 0 %pstate = 1e
%g0 = 0 %g1 = 0 %g2 = 0
%g3 = 0 %g4 = 0 %g5 = 0
%g6 = 0 %g7 = 0 %i0 = 67eedc0
%i1 = ffffffffffffffff %i2 = 1e5c54 %i3 = 0
%i4 = 158440 %i5 = 264c00 %fp = 67f3560
%i7 = 158b4c %l0 = 0 %l1 = 67eedc0
%l2 = 0 %l3 = 14 %l4 = 66fc800
%l5 = 6a62038 %l6 = 66ff810 %l7 = 4
%o0 = 0 %o1 = 0 %o2 = 0
%o3 = 0 %o4 = 0 %o5 = 0
%sp = 67f34a0 %o7 = 0
value = 109001744 = 0x67f3c10
Working: [Kernel]->