Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6648 User Manual
Page 115
Troubleshooting BOOTP/DHCP/UDP Relay
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide
September 2005
page 5-7
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63
82 53 63 35 01 03 32 04 -- c0 a8 14 9a 36 04 c0 a8
1e 05 39 02 02 4e 37 04 -- 01 1c 03 2b 3c 10 41 69
72 65 73 70 61 63 65 2e -- 41 50 31 32 30 30 ff
In the example above, the BOOTP request was dropped because the number of seconds elapsed since the
start of the process was not incremented (secs=0), and the forward delay was set to 3 seconds.
We got in a tweaked zero IP address packet on BSD socket shown below:
Recvd on bsd socket pkt from, rtr-port addr=, 0x336860360
Received request packet for the bootp service on bsd socket BOOTP REQ: secs=0
The BOOTP REQ field shows that we haven’t waited long enough. (The seconds shown is 0, when it
should be greater than or equal to 3.)
handle_uevent_udprelay_cmm(d): received on ipcp socket
handle_event_ipc_Ludprelay_cmm: num oef bytes received = v368elCMM =-1
handle_event_ni_udprelay_cmm: Recieved message from the NI
handle_event_ni_udprelay_cmm: Recieved message from the NI for regular UDP pack
Finally, the Dshell command bootpSizeCheck turns on/off the bootpSizeCheck function. (By default it is
off.) To turn it on enter the following:
Working: [Kernel]-> bootpSizeCheck = 1
To turn it on enter the following:
Working: [Kernel]-> bootpSixeCheck = 0
Note. OS-6600 supports minimum of 64 byte size packets.