Debug ip level – Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6648 User Manual
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OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide
September 2005
debug ip level
Configures the IP debug level. This command allows you to set the level (amount) of information
displayed. The lower the level, the more significant the event. For example, a level of 1 will display only
the most critical problems. A level of 99 would display all of the available information for the specified
debug type. It is best to use the default level of 1 unless instructed to increase the level by a field engineer.
If more information is needed to debug a problem, a higher level can be selected.
debug ip level level
Syntax Definitions
Debug level. Valid range is 0–255.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6624, 6648, 7700, 7800, 8800
Usage Guidelines
The debug level applies to the debug configuration set with the
set different levels for different configurations.
-> debug ip level 1
Release History
Release 5.1; command was introduced.
Related Commands
Enables/disables/configures the IP packet debug feature.