Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6648 User Manual
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OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide
September 2005
Before Calling Alcatel’s Technical Assistance
Before calling Alcatel’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC), make sure that you have read through the
appropriate section (or sections) and have completed the actions suggested for your system’s problem.
Additionally, do the following and document the results so that the Alcatel TAC can better assist you:
Have a network diagram ready. Make sure that relevant information is listed, such as all IP addresses
and their associated network masks.
Have any information that you gathered while troubleshooting the issue to this point available to
provide to the TAC engineer.
If the problem appears to be with only a few-fewer than four-switches, capture the output from the
CLI command on these switches. (See
Appendix C, “Technical Support
for more information on show tech-support CLI commands.)
When calling Alcatel TAC in order to troubleshoot or report a problem following information can be help-
ful to get a quick resolution:
All the dump files that were created, if any
Output of switch log or the switch log files swlog1.log and swlog2.log
Configuration file boot.cfg
A capture of the show microcode command
A capture of the show module long command
A capture of the
command from CLI.
If a CMM fail over to the redundant CMM happened because of this failure then include this informa-
tion from both of the CMMs.
Dial-in or Telnet access can also helpful for effective problem resolution.