Debug ip packet – Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6648 User Manual

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OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide

September 2005

page -13

debug ip packet

Enables/disables/configures the IP packet debug feature. This command is generally used only when
working with a field engineer to debug a problem on the switch.

debug ip packet [start] [timeout seconds] [stop] [direction {in | out | all}] [format {header | text | all}]
[output {console | file
filename}] [board {cmm | ni [1-16] | all | none} [ether-type {arp | ip | hex
[hex_number] | all}] [ip-address ip_address] [ip-address ip_address] [ip-pair [ip1] [ip2]] [protocol {tcp
| udp | icmp | igmp | num
[integer] | all}] [show-broadcast {on | off}] show-multicast {on | off}]

Syntax Definitions


Starts an IP packet debug session.


Sets the duration of the debug session, in seconds. To specify a dura-
tion for the debug session, enter timeout, then enter the session length.


The debug session length, in seconds.


Stops IP packet debug session.


Specifies the type of the packets you want to debug. Specify in to debug
incoming packets; specify out to debug outgoing packets; specify all to
debug both incoming and outgoing packets.


Specifies the area of the packet you want to debug. Specify header to
debug the packets header; specify hex to debug the packet text; specify
all to debug the entire packet.


Specifies where you want the debug information to go. Specify console
to print the output to the screen; specify file to save the output to a log


The filename for the output file.


Specifies the slot (board) that you want to debug. Specify cmm to
debug CMM packets; specify ni, then enter the slot number of the NI to
debug a network interface card; specify all to debug packets for all
CMMs and NIs on the switch; specify none to clear the previous board


Specifies a specific Ethernet packet type to debug. Specify arp to debug
ARP packets; specify ip to debug IP packets; specify hex and enter an
ethernet packet type in hex format (e.g., 800) to debug a specific ether-
net packet type; specify all to debug all Ethernet packet types.


Specifies an IP address to debug. The debug output will only be for
packets received from this IP address. Enter ip-address, then enter the
IP address that you want to debug.


Use this option to match packets exchanged between two network
addresses. Enter ip-pair, then enter each IP address.

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