Roma – Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6648 User Manual
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OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide
September 2005
Each Fabric Module is based on two Roma ASICs, which provide the store-and-forward switching fabric
function for the OS-8800 product. The Roma ASIC is bit-sliced; a group of eight Roma ASICs operates
together as a single synchronized fabric. A total of four Fabric modules are required to build a complete
Fabric in the OS-8800 system. An optional fifth Fabric Module may be used for fabric redundancy. In a
group of eight Roma ASICs, there is always one master and seven slaves. These ROMA ASICs are located
on Switch Fabric Modules at the rear of the chassis.
The SFM module consists of two identical fabric slices. Each fabric slice consists of one Roma ASIC.
There is also a bridge FPGA that interfaces the on-board ASICs to the CMM modules through the BBUS
management bus. Major SFM elements are the following:
Two Roma ASICs
One Bbus FPGA
One DC-DC Converter
Reset Circuitry
Clock Circuitry
Power Fail Detect/ Uncontrolled Power Failure Circuitry
Following is the fabric hardware environment:
The Roma-based fabric always operates using a set of eight Roma ASICs
The eight operational Roma chips must be numbered according to bit slice position
An additional two hot-standby Roma ASICs can provide for fabric redundancy
Two Roma ASICs per separately insertable card, five fabric slots per Eagle chassis
64 fabric ports per Roma ASIC (supports up 64 Coronado ASICs or 16 Calais ASICs)
Support for any architecturally coherent combination of Coronado and Calais ASICs
512 logical ports per system corresponding to Roma queues (maximum)
384 physical ports per system corresponding to Roma unicast queues (maximum)
64 IPC queues per system (maximum)
64 multicast FIFOs per system (maximum)
24 physical ports per NI slot (maximum)
Calendar mechanism for dequeuing unicast and multicast frames
Multicast (VLAN) vector table for multicast propagation control
Greater than 500 MHz raw link rate per fabric port (each direction)
2.4 Gbps per Coronado
10 Gbps per Calais (or equivalent replacement hardware)
Four paycheck levels to support flow prioritization