Ag Leader Base Station Configuration and Utilities User Manual

Page 21

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2202 South Riverside Drive, Ames, IA 50010

Phone: 515-232-5363 Internet:

p/n 4002138

12/22/2009 Rev A


As shown on Error! Reference source not found.6, the 2 countries currently supported by the AFLink with
Freewave radios are:

The United States of America


When all boxes contain valid entries, the software enables the Program Radio button. The user can then
click the button in order to load the current settings to the radio. As for the Satel radios, the software will only
enable the Program Radio button if all entries are valid. Once the radio has been programmed, the
software displays a confirmation window with the AFLink new configuration. This information window is
shown on Figure 26 below.

Figure 26 - AFLink Freewave successful programming window

NOTE: As opposed to the AFLink with Satel, once the AFLink with Freewave has been programmed, it is
immediately ready for use.