Ag Leader Base Station Configuration and Utilities User Manual

Page 15

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2202 South Riverside Drive, Ames, IA 50010

Phone: 515-232-5363 Internet:

p/n 4002138

12/22/2009 Rev A


Figure 16 - AFLink Pgm Util screen for intermediate and advanced users

The output power choices depend on the type of radio as shown in Table 2.

Satelline – 3AS Satelline – 3AS EPIC

10 mW

1 W

20 mW

2 W

50 mW

5 W

100 mW

10 W

200 mW

500 mW

1000 mW

Table 2 - Satel radio output power choices

Figure 17 shows an example of the power choices for a 3AS radio. Also note that in this case, the label
under the Detect Radio button shows that the radio is 3AS.