Ag Leader Base Station Configuration and Utilities User Manual

Page 13

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2202 South Riverside Drive, Ames, IA 50010

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p/n 4002138

12/22/2009 Rev A


Figure 14 - Satel radio detected

One can see that the title in the frame under the Detect Radio button is showing the radio type (Satelline –
3AS in this case), Firmware version, Hw information. At the bottom of the screen, one can see 2 boxes, the
left one shows the internal modem type and the right box shows the port setting for the detected radio. In
our example, the internal modem is a Satel and it is connected to COM1.

On the center part of the screen, the software displays the radio's center frequency and channel spacing.
The values showing in the boxes for the desired frequency and radio usage show what the current
configuration of the radio is. When trying to change the desired frequency, only valid entries are accepted. If
the frequency entered is invalid, the software will automatically choose the valid frequency closest to the
entered value and if nothing is entered, the software will keep the last valid entry. If non numerical values
are entered, the software won't do anything, but the Program Radio button will be disabled until all entries
are valid.