Delconf – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 97

Appendix D: Batch Utilities for Thresholds 97
The DELCONF or the Delete Configuration utility is used to Delete thresholds from the database. When a
configuration record is deleted using the utility, all the corresponding objects and the linked records in the rest of
the database are also deleted.
To execute the utility, enter the following command:
RUN DELCONF / IN ORMCONF / [<ormmst process name>] <subsystem> [<object type>
<search string>]
<ormmsg process name>: An optional parameter. If this parameter is supplied, it must be the process
name of the currently executing copy of the ORMMST process. When this parameter IS supplied, messages
are sent from DELCONF to the ORMMST process when objects are deleted. This immediately stops the
monitoring of the deleted objects. If this parameter is NOT supplied, you must STOP/START the backend to
actually stop monitoring the objects that were deleted by this batch job.
<subsystem>: A mandatory parameter. It defines the subsystem from which the threshold(s) are to be
deleted. For example: CPU, FILESYS.
<object type>: An optional parameter. If the parameter is NOT used, all object types for the specified
subsystem will be deleted. For example: if PATHWAY was specified as subsystem, then SERVERCLASS
could be specified as the object type. If object type is NOT specified, all thresholds under the PATHWAY
subsystem will be deleted.
If you want to limit the thresholds to be deleted, you can specify a search string. The search string is compared
only with the threshold CONFIGURATION record and NOT with the individual object records. This corresponds
to the values you see in the upper right panel of the Object Configuration Client when you display thresholds. It
is assumed that the search string can exist anywhere in the configuration Object Name field, usually the field
immediately under the subsystem name in the Object Details panel when adding thresholds.
NOTE: When attempting to delete EMS thresholds, you need to convert the Text version of the SSID to the
numeric version. If you don’t know the numeric equivalent or you’re not sure, you can use the TXT2SSID utility.
This is a basic program that accepts the text format and displays the numeric format. For example:
You need to provide all 3 portions (tandem, ems and verison – which can always be zero) and it must all be in
uppercase unless the SSID was actually created using lowercase characters. If the correct EMS template is not
defined with a DEFINE statement, you will get an error.
Here are a few examples of using the DELCONF utility with various parameters.
Deleting all thresholds from the CPU Subsystem
$23> DELCONF /in ormconf/ CPU
ORMCONF Deletion starting...
Records deleted: 6
OFMCONF Deletion complete ...
Deleting thresholds using search string smf
24> run delconf /in ormconf/ $OVMON disk disk smf
ORMCONF Deletion starting...
Records deleted: 1
OFMCONF Deletion complete ...
Deleting thresholds using search string for EMS thresholds (all thresholds for Tandem.EMS)
25> run delconf /in ormconf/ $OVMON ems event TANDEM.12