HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 120

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Appendix L: EMS Burst Suppression 120

When the “ignore burst” message is generated, it will show you how many events were suppressed since

the last time its counter was reset. The counter can be reset after a BurstCleanUp Interval as well, so this

count may not include every single EMS message that was suppressed prior to the burst being detected.

The Subject will only be reported if a specific subject is involved in the burst.
When the burst reset period ends, OVNM will generate event 144 (for process until) or 145 (for ignore

until). The message will look like the following (Process Burst will be Ignore Burst for an ignore until burst


Process Burst Period ending - exceeded Reset Burst Period. Suppressed 1

events. SSID/Event: TANDEM.PATHWAY.D44/1047 Subject: TCP1

The eBurst panel

This is the panel you will use to define how a burst should be detected. You have the option of

processing all of the messages until a burst is detected or ignoring all of the messages until a burst is

detected. If you check “none”, then the Burst Definition record will be deleted (if one existed).

Process Until Burst

Use this option if you want the first EMS message to cause an email, recovery or message sent to

Console and the Enterprise Management system (such as HPOM). This option will process every EMS

message until the burst is detected.

Ignore Until Burst

Use this option if you do not want any of the EMS messages processed at all until an excessive number

of them are seen. For example, if an application generates error messages occasionally, and you don’t

care about them until more than 100 of them are generated in a short amount of time, then you would

use this option. Using this option will prevent emails, recoveries and messages to Console and the

Enterprise Management system until an excessive number of them are consumed.

Burst = x events within y minutes

This is the actual burst definition. This describes how many events in what time frame need to be

consumed before a burst is declared as active.

Event Subject

If you leave this field blank, then the burst detection logic will not consider the value in the subject

of the EMS message when creating ‘burst threads’. So all events from the same SSID (regardless of

subject), will be counted towards the burst. The ‘subject’ of an EMS message is defined as the one

with the ‘subject token’ marker. For example, TANDEM.PATHWAY TCP stop EMS messages will

contain the name of the TCP as the subject. You must determine what the subject of an EMS

message is before using this feature – some applications do not use what you might expect to be

the subject. To determine the token that contains the subject marker, you can use EMSA, or some

other utility that shows the subject marker.

If you enter an asterisk, you are asking OVNM to maintain separate burst threads for each unique

subject. So if Pathway generates 100 TCP down EMS messages, one for each TCP, then OVNM

will create 100 burst threads, each with a count of one event. Therefore, no burst will be detected,

since there was only one EMS message was consumed for each individual subject.

If you enter a specific value here, then only the EMS messages that also match the subject you

specified will be considered when deciding if there is a burst.

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