Ztchgsch, Sampmq / custmq, Ztaltmon / sendgrp – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

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Appendix C: OVNM Utilities 93


The ZTCHGSCH (Change Schedule) Tacl routine is used to verify the updates to the SCHEDULE and HOLIDAY

files and then send a command to the application to get the new values loaded. Failure to use this Tacl routine

will cause the monitoring programs to use the old data.
To run the utility, specify the following command:


Edit Schedule; na; e

TEXT EDITOR - T9601D20 - (01JUN93)


Edit Holiday ; na; e

TEXT EDITOR - T9601D20 - (01JUN93)


Run Schdtst /outv out^vbl/ SCHEDULE HOLIDAY 1

Schedule files are valid.

Load command sent to $OVMON


The CUSTMQ utility is a Tacl routine that you need to create using the SAMPMQ Tacl routine as a starting point.

If the version of the MQ libraries used at your installation is different than the versions used to create the

MQSVR53 program, you can recreate that object file on your own and bind in your versions of those libraries.

This is accomplished by using the CUSTMQ Tacl routine.
Both the INSTALL and GUIPATCH Tacl routines check for the existence of a file called CUSTMQ. If it is found,

then it will be executed. This automates the process of recreating the MQSVR53 application whenever a new

release and/or a patch is applied. If you don’t want to automate this process, you can create your own version

of the SAMPMQ Tacl routine and execute it manually.
When you create your version of this Tacl routine, you need to make 1 or 2 changes to the sample code. There

are notes at the beginning of the Tacl program showing you want to change. When it is complete, be sure it runs

successfully and does NOT prompt you for any information, if you name it CUSTMQ. The CUSTMQ Tacl routine

will be executed automatically and if it sends a prompt to the terminal, the Install and/or patch process will not

work correctly.
Once you are done creating the new Tacl routine, you need to execute it to verify that it creates a valid

MQSVR53 object file and that the new object file performs correctly in the OVNM environment. If you need to

use the PROGID option due to the security restrictions on your MQ environment, be sure to GIVE the object file to

the correct user and set the PROGID bit. The security on the file must allow the user id that will be performing

Upgrades and Patches the ability to purge the file.


The SENDGRP program allows users to use the Turn Monitoring Off/On for Group/Subgroup from a batch

program instead of relying on some threshold to trigger this action (such as an EMS threshold).
The easiest way to use this is to embed the RUN ZTALTMON (Alter Monitor Status) command into the jobs that

are bringing objects up or down. This way the objects that you do not want to monitor temporarily, can be

inactivated prior to the system shutdown. And once the objects have been restarted, you can re-execute

ZTALTMON to re-activate those thresholds. There is some minor documentation that is displayed when you RUN

ZTALTMON with no parameters. It describes the 3 parameters that are expected: On or Off, the name of the

group and the name of the subgroup. You do not need to run this utility from the OVNM subvolume – but you do

need to qualify the file name enough for the run command to find it. Once you embed this run command into

your batch job, you can remove the old threshold that was used as the trigger.
The SendGrp program is executed by the ZTALTMON tacl utility and sends the necessary commands to the

OVNM environment to turn the monitoring flag off or on.





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