Object model summary, Additional details, Exposepaths: mapping hosts to a virtual disk – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual

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Object model summary

Each class in the profile is subclassed to a vendor-unique extension.

Additional details

ExposePaths: mapping hosts to a virtual disk

SMI-S clients can specify a set logical units visible to set of initiators (or VSM hosts) through a set of
target ports. The SMI-S specification defines the concept of a snapshot, or collection of initiators,
logical units, and target ports. Each initiator-logical unit-target port trio is referred to as a 'path'. A
'snapshot' is collection of 'paths' from which several trios can be formed. A masking and mapping
'snapshot' is modeled in the profile as a CIM_ProtocolController (subclassed as an
"HPSVSP_SCSIProtocolController" in this profile). SMI-S clients interested in exposing a VSM storage
entity (virtual disk or snapshot) to a set of intiators (for example, hosts) use the

SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide