Object model summary, Additional details, Client flows—server – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual
Page 54
Object model summary
Each class in the profile is subclassed to a vendor-unique extension.
Additional details
Client flows—server
Uninformed Client StorageVirtualdisk Creation (for example CTP conformance testing client):
• A client examines pools with StorageConfigurationCapabilities.SupportElementFeatures[]
containing "VirtualDisk Creation". If found, perform a create StorageVirtualdisk operation.
• If there is no "VirtualDisk Creation" then create a StoragePool. Client will find the Primordial-
Pool, then create a ConfiguredPool.
• An uninformed client may simply pass the size to CreateOrModifyStoragePool() which will
cause all capacity for the Configured ( ConcretePool ) to be drawn from the PrimordialPool.
Informed SMI Client Additional Creation Flow:
• A client uses the CreateOrModifyElementFromStoragePools() vendor extension method to
leverage the ability for VSM to allow multiple pools to create the storage virtual disk.
• A client uses the CreateOrModifyElementFromElements() method to create a StripeSet Com-
posite Storage Extent from the Primordial Pool.
Informed Client Creation of a Stripe Set Composite Storage Extent from Primordial Pool Extents
Block Services Package