Class keys/properties – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual
Page 277
should possess their own provider for IndicationSubscription. The provider however may or may not
be compliant to Indication Profile v1.4. This section is a guide for the required elements of
IndicationSubscription for the Indication Profile v1.4. If the target CIMOM does not support the required
functionality the following may be required:
If the CIMOM allows, the provider developer may need to remove the existing CIMOM's Indica-
tionSubscription provider, and create their own to follow the rules of the Indication Profile v1.4.
When executing this option, ensure that the CIMOM is capable of leveraging the provider to
parse queries and deliver indications.
If the CIMOM implementation does not support option 1, then the Indication Profile advertised
by a Profile Registration Profile may need to drop to Indication Profile version 1.3 or 1.2.
IndicationSubscription instances are identified by their references to the IndicationFilter and
ListenerDestinationCIMXML properties, called Filter and Handler respectively.
Class keys/properties
Property Name
The CIM_IndicationFilter to
use for screening indica-
The filter that this subscription is to use. When
the IndicationSubscription is created, the Indic-
ationFilter's Query is parsed for validity.
CIM_IndicationFilter REF Filter
A reference to the listener
to deliver indication in-
The listener reference refers to the client to no-
tify if any indications are sent to the CIMOM
that pass the Filter properties query.
MXML REF Handler
SMI-S supports a restricted
set of values. This shall be
2|3|4 ('None' | 'Sup-
press' | 'Delay')
Determines the behavior for multiple deliveries
of the same indication for a recurring event
(for example, a back-end LU drive is generat-
ing the same I/O failure event repeatedly).
2 - "None" - No special processing of re-
peat indications is performed. Forward in-
dications as they are received.
3 - "Suppress" - If the value is 3 ("Sup-
press") the first RepeatNotificationCount
Indications, describing the same event, must
be sent and all subsequent Indications for
this event suppressed for the remainder of
the time interval RepeatNotificationInterval.
A new interval starts when the next Indica-
tion for this event is received.
4 - "Delay" - If the value of RepeatNotifica-
tionPolicy is 4 ("Delay") and an Indication
is received, this Indication must be sup-
pressed if (including the current Indication)
RepeatNotification- Count or fewer Indica-
tions for this event have been received
during the prior time interval defined by
RepeatNotificationInterval. If this Indication
is the RepeatNotificationCount + 1 Indica-
tion, this Indication must be sent and all
subsequent Indications for this event ig-
nored until the RepeatNotificationGap has
elapsed. A RepeatNotificationInterval may
not overlap a RepeatNotificationGap time
SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide