Acquiring the most recent host information, Managing data collection tasks, About data collection tasks – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

Page 24

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Volume capacity allocated to the host

Times and dates for the most recent updates

Acquiring the most recent host information

Refresh registered hosts to update the information that is displayed in the Hosts list.

You must have Modify permission or higher to perform this task.

To update host information:


On the Administration tab, select Managed Resources.


On the Hosts tab, select the host, or hosts, you want to refresh.


Click Refresh Hosts and then click OK.


Check the Data Collection Tasks tab to verify that the task has completed successfully.


When the task completes, confirm that the host information is updated on the Hosts tab of Managed

Or, you can confirm that the host information is updated in the Hosts list displayed by using the
Hosts tree on the Resources tab.

Managing data collection tasks

This module describes how to manage data collection tasks.

About data collection tasks

Storage system and host information is updated through data collection tasks that appear in a list.

Registering managed targets