HP Latex 360 Printer User Manual

Page 183

background image


hard disk specification 168
HP Customer Care 36


ICC profiles 101
ink cartridge

about 118
cannot insert 126
maintenance 122
non-HP 125
ordering 153
refill 125
replace 122
specification 166
status 14

ink collector 53
ink system status 23
ink system tips 122
internal prints 19
Internet connection 27

troubleshooting 159

IP address 31
IP address, set manually 157
IPv6 26
IPV6 settings 31


job accounting 24
job start safety, bypass 78


labels, warning 6
language 13
link speed 33
loading accessory 58
loading substrate problems 79
loading thick substrates 60
loading thin substrates 60
loudspeaker volume 14


maintenance cartridge

about 119
cannot insert 143
replace 140
specification 166

maintenance, service 150
manuals 3

changing 18
specification 167

memory specifications 168


network configuration

advanced 27

network troubleshooting 28

link speed 33
protocols 30
security settings 32

non-HP ink cartridges 125



about 118


accessories 154
ink cartridges 153
printhead cleaning kit 154
printheads 154


physical specifications 168

clean 146

porous substrates 45
power specifications 168
print quality, improve 105
print resolution 166
print-quality problems

black areas look hazy 115
color variation 114
general 105
graininess 111
horizontal banding 112
ink smears 116
ink smudges 116
misaligned colors 114
oily ink 116
text-line correction 114
tiling 117
uneven area fill 116
vertical banding 113
wrong size 117


clean 149
move 149
store 149

printer does not print 157
printer logs 165
printer models 2
printer states 18
printer status 23
printer usage statistics 24
printer's main components 8
printer's main features 2


about 118
align 127
alignment status plot 108
cannot insert 135
clean 126
cleaning connections 136
optimizer check plot 106
ordering 154
recover 126
replace 129
reseat 129
specification 166
status 16
status plot 106

printing delays 18
printing faster 97
printing speeds 167
protocols, network 30
Proxy Server settings 32


QR code 3


rear view 10
refilled ink cartridges 125
resolution 166
restart the printer 35
restore factory settings 14
right edge position, change 78
RIP software installation 27


safe mode 120
safety labels 6
safety precautions 3
security 21

network settings 32

service information print 37
service maintenance 150
sleep mode wait time 13
slow printing 158

acoustic 169
ecological 168
environmental 169
functional 166
hard disk 168
ink supplies 166
margins 167
memory 168
physical 168
power 168


Index 177

This manual is related to the following products: