Fisheye – Milestone M50 User Manual
Page 98

Milestone Husky M30/M50
Administrator's Manual
Advanced configuration
Enable panomorph support
Select to enable panomorph support. Panomorph is an advanced
technology can provide high resolution in zones of interest, while at
the same time using fewer pixels than conventional fisheye
Immervision Enables
panomorph RPL number
When you enable the panomorph support functionality, you must
also select a Registered Panomorph Lens (RPL) number from the
ImmerVision Enables
panomorph RPL number list. This is to
ensure that the lens is correctly identified and configured with the
lens used with the camera. You can usually find the RPL number on
the lens itself or on the box it came in.
If you, at some point, want to add additional types of lenses, go to
File and select Import new lens types. Locate the .xml file that
contains information about the lens type and press OK.
For details of ImmerVison, panomorph lenses, and RPLs, see
Camera position/orientation
Choose whether the camera is mounted in the ceiling, on a wall or
on ground level.
Enable fisheye support
Select to enable fisheye support. Fisheye technology uses a wide-
angle lens to capture a hemispherical image, which can then be de-
warped through configured fisheye settings (see "Fisheye" on page
98) for the camera in question.
License key
If required, enter your special fisheye license key and click OK, after
which you can configure fisheye settings for camera(s) attached to
the hardware device.
If you are unsure if you need a special fisheye license key, contact your system vendor for further
When you configure video and recording (see "About video and recording configuration" on page 64)
for specific cameras, fisheye properties may be available. Fisheye is a technology that allows viewing
of 360-degree panoramic video through an advanced lens.
You will not see the fisheye properties until certain conditions are met: The camera must be either a
dedicated fisheye camera or be equipped with a special fisheye lens. A special fisheye license key is
also required. You enter the key when you configure the hardware device (see "Configure hardware
devices" on page 59) to which the fisheye camera is attached.