Milestone XProtect Transact User Manual
Milestone xprotect smart client step-by-step guide, Simple search

© 2007 Milestone Systems A/S XProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S SC30-strd-2-101007
Milestone XProtect Smart
Client Step-by-Step Guide
Searching Transact Data in
the Milestone XProtect Smart
If your Smart Client supports Milestone XProtect Transact, you are able to quickly search transaction data
and watch matching video recordings. You can use either simple or multiple searches.
The simple search method lets you search for single phrases at a time.
The multiple search method lets you search for multiple phrases at a time, with the possibility of
using different colors for highlighting occurrences of phrases with different importance.
Note: Depending on your user rights, your ability to view and search transaction data may be restricted.
Simple Search
Select the Smart Client’s Browse tab.
In the Browse tab’s Views section, select a view which
contains the required transaction data and images
from the required camera(s).
Below the view’s transaction data you will find a search
panel. In the search panel’s Find field, type the word
or number you want to search for.
Transaction lines containing the required word or number are highlighted by a blue square. In the
example to the right, we have searched for the term burger. The next 10 occurrences containing
the required search phrase are also immediately displayed in
the search result window to the right in the search panel.
With the search panel’s Up and Down buttons, you are able
to quickly browse between the highlighted lines. You can
also click an occurrence in the search result window and
quickly jump to the date and time of the occurrence. The view’s camera images will change
Simple Search Tips
If you select Case sensitive, the search will distinguish between upper and lover case letters. This can
be useful if, for example, you only want to find the word Burger if it begins with an upper case B.
If you select Exact in the search panel’s Use menu, you are able to limit your search to cover only the
exact term you type in the Find field. Example: Normally, a search for a term like bur would highlight
all lines in which the term bur appears, including burger, burrito, etc. If you select Exact, only lines
containing the exact term bur will be highlighted.