About archiving schedules, Automatic response if running out of disk space – Milestone M50 User Manual
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Milestone Husky M30/M50
Administrator's Manual
Advanced configuration
About archiving schedules
There are two ways in which to configure archiving schedules:
While you configure your cameras through the Configure Video and Recording wizard (see
"Configure storage wizard" on page 44), in which case you configure your archiving schedule
on the wizard's Drive selection page.
As part of the general Scheduling and Archiving properties: In the Management Application's
navigation pane, expand Advanced Configuration, right-click Scheduling and Archiving,
select Properties, select Archiving in the dialog, and specify relevant properties (see
"Archiving" on page 134).
Automatic response if running out of disk space
If Milestone Husky product runs of disk space while archiving, you can set up an automatic response.
Two scenarios can occur, depending on whether the camera database drive is different from, or
identical to, the archiving drive:
Different drives: Automatic archiving if database drive runs out of disk space
In case the Milestone Husky product server is running out of disk space, and the archiving drive is
different from the camera database drive, and archiving has not taken place within the last hour,
archiving will automatically begin in an attempt to free up disk space. This will happen regardless of
any archiving schedules. The server is considered to be running out of disk space if:
there is less than 10% disk space left, and the available disk space goes below 30 GB plus 1.5
GB per camera
the available disk space goes below 150 MB plus 20 MB per camera (example: with ten
cameras, the server would be running out of disk space if the remaining available disk space
went below 350 MB (150 MB plus 20 MB for each of the ten cameras))
The difference ensures that very large disks are not necessarily considered to be running out of disk
space just because they have less than 10% disk space left.
On the archiving drive, Milestone Husky product automatically checks that the space required for data
from a camera to be archived plus 1 GB of free disk space per camera is available. If not, the archive
drive's oldest data from the relevant camera is deleted until there is sufficient free space for the new
data to be archived.
IMPORTANT: You will lose the archive data that is deleted.
Same drive: Automatic moving or deletion of archives if drive runs out of disk space
If your system server is running out of disk space, and the archiving drive is identical to the camera
database drive, your system automatically does the following in an attempt to free up disk space:
1. First, the program will attempt to move archives (moving archives is only possible if you use
dynamic archiving, with which you can archive to several different drives). This happens if:
there is less than 15% disk space left, and the available disk space goes below 40 GB plus
2 GB per camera
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