KROHNE Summit 8800 Vol 1 User Manual
Page 102
08/2013 - MA SUMMIT 8800 Vol1 R02 en
10 .5 .1 Security
It is important to know that flow computers require high security. Not everybody may change in-
formation, certainly not if the Summit is in normal operation. This is specifically true in custody
transfer or fiscal applications where often certificates are needed to change settings. Therefore
several measures are available to prevent unauthorized use.
10 .5 .1 .1 User passwords
To be able to use the configurator, a user name and password must be given.
10 .5 .1 .2 Configurator users
Restrictions can be set by giving access levels to certain users. When such users use the con-
figurator, specific actions may be disabled, such as Edit offline or connecting to flow computers..
10 .5 .1 .3 Configuration restrictions
Any of the menu’s in the configurator may be disabled for on-line use. This means that the
Configurator can be blocked for any fiscal relevant changes, but can still be used for non-fiscal
configuration changes.
For details, see Volume 3, General Information: Security Configuration.
10 .5 .1 .4 Security switches
The Summit is equipped with hardware security switches which can be set to open, partial and
The SUMMIT 8800 is fully open and changes can be made without restrictions,
However, user passwords are required.
In this mode the front panel Edit mode can be accessed with the proper user password,
but calibration data cannot be changed.
New application information cannot be uploaded or downloaded. The existing configura-
tion can be downloaded, changed and uploaded again. The type of changes allowed can
be defined using the configurator Software and will typically be non-critical configuration
data, parameters and values
Connection is possible and applications can be uploaded, but cannot be downloaded to
from the SUMMIT 8800 as it is in Read only mode. Change in parameters, values or any
other data is not possible. Configuration data cannot be changed with the GUI software.
Edit menu cannot be accessed. Calibration data cannot be changed. Alarms and audit data
cannot be cleared.
By setting the Summit to full, it is therefore not possible to download any configuration, and an
error message will be displayed:
Figure 120 Fully secure error message