Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 77

background image

FCIP Health

on page 32

Fabric Performance Impact

on page 32

The following output extract shows a sample Summary Report section.

3.1 Summary Report:


Category |Today |Last 7 days |


Port Health |Out of operating range |No Errors |

Fru Health |Out of operating range |In operating range |

Security Violations |No Errors |No Errors |

Fabric State Changes |No Errors |No Errors |

Switch Resource |In operating range |In operating range |

Traffic Performance |In operating range |In operating range |

FCIP Health |Out of operating range |In operating range |

Fabric Performance Impact|Out of operating range |In operating range |

(output truncated)

When a category contains an "out-of-range" error, the dashboard displays a table showing the rules
triggered in that category since the previous midnight. This allows you to see more precisely where the
problem is occurring. Each category in the table contains the following information:

• The number of times rules were triggered in each category
• The rules that were triggered
• The number of times that a rule was triggered in the hour that it was triggered
• The entities (ports, circuits, and so on) that triggered the rule
• The values set for these entities when the rule was triggered

For each category, the dashboard stores the five most recent distinct rule violations that occurred in
each hour since the previous midnight. For each rule violation the dashboard stores the five most recent
entities on which the rules were triggered. Consequently, while a rule might be triggered multiple times
within a given hour, only the timestamp of the latest violation is stored, along with the last five entities on
which the rule was triggered. However, each violation of a rule individually is reflected in the rule count
for that category and the repeat count for that rule in that hour.

For example, if the same rule was triggered 12 times in one hour, the repeat count value (shown as
RptCnt in the following example) for that rule will be 12, but only the timestamp for the last occurrence
is displayed. In addition, the last five distinct entities on which this rule was triggered are stored (and
these can include different instances of the rule’s violation). Alternatively, if a rule was triggered 12
times since midnight, but each violation happened in a different hour, then each violation is logged
separately in the dashboard.

The following output extract shows a sample Rules Affecting Health section, showing that there are six
errors affecting four rules. The column headings in the example have been edited slightly so as to allow
the example to display clearly.

3.2 Rules Affecting Health:


Category(Rule Cnt)|RptCnt|Rule Name |Execution Time |Object |Triggered Value(Units)|


Port Health(2) |1 |defALL_OTHER_F_PORTSCRC_40|07/09/13 17:18:18|Port 1 |876 CRCs |

|1 |defALL_OTHER_F_PORTSCRC_21|07/09/13 17:18:18|Port 1 |876 CRCs |

Fru Health(2) |2 |defALL_FANFAN_STATE_FAULTY|07/09/13 19:15:17|Fan 2 |FAULTY |

| | | |Fan 1 |FAULTY |

FCIP Health(2) |1 |low_tunnel_mon |11/20/13 06:19:6 |Tunnel |25 |

(output truncated)

History Data section (optional)

When displayed, the History Data section provides information on how the switch has been behaving
regardless of whether rules were triggered. It contains only port-related statistics, and is the raw counter

MAPS Dashboard

Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide

