Creating a rule – Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 57

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The following example shows all rules on the switch. Notice that the policies are
not shown in the output.

switch:admin> mapsrule --show -all


RuleName Action Condition


Rule1 Raslog, Fence, SNMP Switch(SEC_IDB/Min>0)

Rule2 Raslog Switch(SEC_IDB/Hour>1)

NewRule1 Raslog, Fence, SNMP Switch(SEC_IDB/Min>0)

NewRule2 Raslog, Fence, SNMP Switch(SEC_IDB/Hour>1)

The following example shows the policy names associated with the rule name

switch:admin> mapsrule --show Rule1

RuleName: Rule1

Action: Raslog, Fence, SNMP

Condition: Switch(SEC_IDB/Min>0)

Policies Associated: daily_policy, crc_policy

Creating a rule

Each MAPS rule monitors a single condition. When you create a rule, you can choose to add it to a

To create a policy rule, complete the following steps.

1. Enter mapsRule --create rule_name followed by the rule parameters, and optionally the policy you

want to assign it to. Rule names are not case sensitive; My_Rule and my_rule are considered to be
the same.

2. Optional: Enter mapsRule --show rule_name to display the rule.
3. Optional: If you added the rule to the active policy, you must re-enable the policy for the rule to take

effect by entering mapsPolicy --enable policy policy_name.

If you are specifying a group, the group must already exist.

Creating a rule to generate a RASLog message

The following example creates a rule to generate a RASLog message if the CRC
counter for a group of critical ports is greater than 10 in an hour. This rule is
added to the daily_policy, and the daily_policy is re-enabled for the rule to take

switch246:FID24:admin> mapsrule --create check_crc -monitor crc -group critical_ports

-t hour -op g -value 10 -action raslog -policy daily_policy

switch246:FID24:admin> mapsrule --show check_crc

Rule Data:


RuleName: check_crc

Condition: critical_ports(crc/hour>10)

Actions: raslog

Policies Associated: daily_policy

switch246:FID24:admin> mapspolicy --enable daily_policy

Creating a rule

Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide

