Enabling port fencing – Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 55
The following example enables port fencing and port decommissioning for a
switch and then displays the confirmation.
switch246:FID128:admin> mapsconfig --actions fence,decom
switch246:admin> mapsconfig --show
Configured Notifications: FENCE,DECOM
Mail Recipient: Not Configured
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The following example makes port fencing and port decommissioning part of a
rule and then displays the confirmation.
switch246:FID128:admin> mapsrule --create crc_decom -group ALL_E_PORTS -monitor CRC -
t min -op g -value 3 -action raslog,fence,decom
switch246:admin> mapsrule --show crc_decom
Rule Data:
RuleName: crc_decom
Condition: ALL_E_PORTS(CRC/min>3)
Actions: raslog,fence,decom
Associated Policies:
Enabling port fencing
Port fencing in MAPS can be either an action that is part of the overall switch configuration, or part of a
specific rule. If it is part of the overall switch configuration, it will happen any time the port fails, while if it
is part of a rule, the port will be fenced if that rule is triggered. Multiple rules can have port fencing as an
action; it will happen if any of them are triggered.
To enable port fencing, complete the following steps.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Create a rule or action as follows:
• To set up a port fencing action for the entire switch, enter mapsConfig --actions fence.
• To create a rule for port fencing, enter mapsRule --create new_rule_name -group group_name -
monitor monitor_value -timebase time_unit -op comparison_operator -value comp_op_value -
action fence.
The following example enables port fencing on a switch and then displays the
switch:admin> mapsconfig --actions raslog,fence
switch:admin> mapsconfig --show
Configured Notifications: RASLOG,FENCE
Mail Recipient: Not Configured
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Enabling port fencing
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide