Nexo NEMO User Manual
Page 3

NeMo User Guide v1.3
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Undo/Redo: now, it is possible to undo and redo every control step you make.
Copy/Paste: it is possible to copy parameters from one NXAMP to one or
several NXAMPs. With Load 3.16, scenes can also be shared between
Improved log, introduction of Log Records: select the one you want to record
on, and press [R]. As many Log Records as wanted can be created (e.g. one
per session).
New Events menu (prev. Alerts & Tasks), grouping alerts in sets, with
improved tasks display, and with a System Status section.
New way of accessing the Live mode (prev. long press gesture), with a button
at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Pull to Refresh functionality in the Groups & Devices menu.
Smart Sliders in the control page: in case of multiple values, sliders become
green and have marks for all the different values.
Caution: NEXO NeMo usage
Only use this application during a live event with an extreme care. In particular,
you should activate the safe mode.
Please equip your NXAMPs and iDevice with the latest firmware update, and your
computer with the latest version of AVS-Service and AVS-Monitor.
The good functioning of NeMo depends on the one of the wireless network and of
Caution: before updating
Before updating NeMo, if need be, please export the log file (see
Error! Reference
ource not found.), since the internal log database is likely to be updated and all its
items to be removed.
As this version introduces a new way of handling sessions, your configuration will
be lost. You can save the file savedParameters.plist (NeMo v1.0 to v1.2) not to
lose it.