Nexo NEMO User Manual
Page 21

NeMo User Guide v1.3
Page 21 of 50
Important: convention
A button, a slider or an array's cell colored
green means "multiple values". Follow
some examples.
Example 1:
Here, some devices of the group Mains Left are muted and some are not.
Example 2:
If this slider rules the gain of the channel 1 of the two selected NXAMPs, the
green color means that all the channel 1s do not have the same gain (for
instance, ch.1 of the first one has its gain at -2dB, and ch.1 of another device at
+3.5dB). The slider displays marks for each one of the different values, whereas
the thumb is at the
For VU-meters, the displayed value is the
maximum of the multiple values.
Important: selected devices
In the next tabs, you are going to control the selected NXAMPs. Before
performing any setting, make sure that they are really the ones you want to
The title of the view may be a good indication, since it is:
the alias of the selected device if it is the only one;
the name of the selected group if it is the only one;
the number of selected devices or groups, else.
If a selected device is not controllable (not an NXAMP or not-responding NXAMP),
it is not taken into account when controlling.
The easiest way to check which devices are selected is to go to the
[Groups &
devices...] menu (available in all the tabs on iPad, or on the Network Tab on
iPhone), and then to
All devices or whatever group of your choice.