Nexo 45N Monitor User Manual
Nexo Acoustics

NEXO’s 45°N-12 line monitor is unique in the field of stage monitoring, bringing the benefits of line
array technology to the stage. Used correctly, it delivers a level of sound control, consistency,
flexibility and scalability never before available to monitor engineers. Take the following points into
consideration to help you get the most out of the 45°N-12 monitors.
In the same way that a modern line array PA system cannot be compared
to a conventional point source system, the 45°N-12 line monitor cannot
be compared to a conventional floor wedge.
Using a stand-alone single 45°N-12 .
The 45°N-12 has been engineered to provide a tight horizontal pattern control of approximately 30
degrees. When using 45°N-12 s as single units, this precise pattern control is perfect for providing a
highly discrete mono mix to a stationary musician. For example, stationary backing singers or
members of a brass section; in such cases, each performer could be provided with exactly the mix
they require without affecting the mixes of the other musicians standing nearby.
The highly defined dispersion pattern makes it possible for the technician to aim the monitor sound
directly at the ears of the performer and keep it away from the microphone. This provides a much
cleaner sound on stage, at FOH and in the recording bus.