Getting started, 1 connection of devices, Getting started -1 – Yokogawa Multi Channel Oxygen Analyzer System ZR22/AV550G User Manual
Page 14: Connection of devices -1

IM 11M12D01-61E
Fieldbus is a wholly digital communications protocol, and so differs from the conventional 4 to 20 mA
analog loop. It is recommended that new users try the Fieldbus familiarization exercises described in
this section. It is expected that these can be done in a laboratory or the like.
4.1 Connection of Devices
The following equipment is required for a Fieldbus laboratory setup:
• Power supply:
Fieldbus requires a special power supply. You cannot use ordinary, unmodified DC power
supplies. It is recommended that you choose one with sufficient capacity to supply the maximum
current demand of all devices to be connected, including the host.
• Terminator:
Fieldbus requires two terminators. Sometimes these are supplied with the host, so please check
with the supplier of the host.
• Fieldbus devices:
Be sure to read Section 5.1.1,”Wiring Precautions” in the User’s Manual of the AV550G Zirconia
Oxygen Analyzer Averaging Converter.
Connect the Fieldbus version of the AV550G. You can connect several devices, e.g., multiple AV550G
converters and other Fieldbus devices.
The Fieldbus function of the AV550G is powered by the bus power supply. (The AV550G itself requires
AC power supply. The AV550G’s hardware that supports the Fieldbus function is powered by the bus
power supply.)
For connection of the AV550G, connect the cable on the positive (+) side of the Fieldbus power supply
to terminal 5 on the control card and connect the cable on the negative (-) side to terminal 6. Connect
the shield to the cable shield ground terminal on the AV550G
• Procedure
To avoid electrical shock, turn off power before connecting cables.
Strip off approximately 40 cm of the cable sheath and separate the conductors and the shield.