Watlow Silver Series Addendum User Manual

Page 37

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Silver Series OIT

 37 

Watlow Addendum

15) From the Edit menu, choose Copy.

16) Select window 12 Trend.

17) From the Edit menu, choose Paste.

18) Position the button centered at the bottom of the screen.

19) Edit the new button’s properties so that it changes to full-screen window 10 Initial and is

labeled “Back”.

To create a trend graph:

1) From the Objects

menu choose Trend

2) In Description type a

description of the trend
such as “Loop 1 PV,
SP and Heat vs. Time”.

3) For Data Sampling

Object index choose
the data sampling
object you previously


4) For Trend type choose Real-time.

5) For Distance between data samples/X axis time range choose Time.

6) In Distance type the number of seconds the width of the trend graph will represent. For

example, if you want to see two minutes of data at once, type 120.

7) Click the Trend tab.

8) Choose a Frame color

and a Background
