Operator's manual – Teledyne LeCroy CANbus TD and CANbus TDM - Operators Manual User Manual

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Operator's Manual



checking the “Non-Standard” box and then entering a value
using the pop-up keypad. The non-standard bit rates that are
available are calculated from the bit timing register values
specific to the particular Trigger Coupler (transceiver) that is
installed in the Trigger Module. If you enter a value that is not
supported, it will default to the closest supported value.

Shortcut to Analysis -- This button provides quick access to the
CAN Analysis dialog. Once you are finished defining your trigger
condition, use this button to continue with your CAN Analysis
(Decode) There is a corresponding shortcut to Trigger in the
Decode dialog..

Frame Type -- Select either a Data, Remote or Error Frame to
trigger on. When selected, the remaining CAN Trigger fields
change to reflect what needs to be defined for that frame type.
For instance, Remote Frames don’t have a DATA condition to
set up, and Error Frames don’t have an ID or DATA condition to
set up.

If you wish to trigger on any CAN message (Data, Remote, or
Error Frame) that is on the bus, you can use the All Frame

Trigger Coupler Input and ACK -- The Trigger Module can be
outfitted with two different Trigger Couplers. The type of
Trigger Coupler that is installed in Trigger Module inputs 1 and
2 is listed on the far right of the CAN Trigger dialog. Select the
correct Trigger Module input to use as the trigger.

Since the Trigger Module is also a CAN node, you can choose to
have the Trigger Module acknowledge CAN messages or not
acknowledge CAN messages. This might be helpful if you are
connected to a single CAN node and need the Trigger Module
to provide the acknowledge for the other node. The default
setup is to not acknowledge. If you wish for it to acknowledge,
check the “Ack” box.

ID Condition -- The ID condition can be set to many different
values. If the ID condition is set to “=”, then a data definition
can also be set. Any other ID condition precludes setting up a