IAI America IA-T-XD User Manual
Page 51

Function key descriptions
F1(Disp): It switches the display between the
input data screen and the current
position display.
F2(Scan): It incorporates the current positions
of all axes onto the screen.
(Teaching Pendant Ver. 1.02 or later)
F3(Canc): It clears the all-axis data of the
position No. selected.
F4(JCrd): It changes the coordinate system for
jog operation.
It inputs data of velocity, etc., for each
position No.
It sets the jog velocity, etc.
F3(MVel): It sets movement velocity in the
continuous movement mode (Cont)
or with the MOVE key.
F4(Arm): It changes the arm system. (Servo
ON status required in advance)
Note: The arm operates.
F1(Crd#): It selects the coordinate system No.
It monitors input ports.
It monitors output ports.
F4(UsrO): It turns ON/OFF the output ports
(sequential 8 points at the maximum
set to parameters).
(It is required to set the I/O
parameters No. 74 and No. 75.)
② Axis-specific data input screen
F1(Cont): It moves to the continuous movement