IAI America IA-T-XD User Manual
Page 11

↵ key (return key)
It is used to confirm the input data or move the cursor forward.
⑫ PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys (page-up key, page-down key)
These keys increment or decrement the editing/display item No. (position No., program No.,
step No., etc.).
⑬ ON/OFF key
It switches servo ON or OFF of axes. (It is valid within the Teac mode area.)
⑭ HOME key
⑮ MOVE key
It starts actuator movement or continuous movement. (It is valid in the Teac mode area with
the servo ON.)
⑯ STOP key
It stops actuator movement or continuous movement.
⑰ ←1 1→ ←2 2→ ←3 3→ ←4 4→ (Jog keys)
←1 Minus direction jog movement for the 1st axis
1→ Plus direction jog movement for the 1st axis
←2 Minus direction jog movement for the 2nd axis
2→ Plus direction jog movement for the 2nd axis
(It is valid in the Teac mode area
with the servo ON.)
←3 Minus direction jog movement for the 3rd axis
3→ Plus direction jog movement for the 3rd axis
←4 Minus direction jog movement for the 4th axis
4→ Plus direction jog movement for the 4th axis
▪ Such jog actions with the JOG button are also valid for any not-homed axes. However,
coordinate values in this case have no meaning. Therefore, be extremely careful about
interference with the stroke end.
▪ If jog operation is performed to the axis in action under the operation-button-acceptable
condition, the operation of the applicable axis is aborted when the JOG operation button is
turned OFF. (The next operation starts, if any.)