SecurityMan iCamDVR (after Dec. 2011 shipment) User Manual
Page 87
87 | SecurityMan
Q: Why do I see some gray blocks at times in the progress bar area during playback?
A: User has deleted these recorded files. SuperDVR has deleted recorded file when recycle option is active. The recorded
files cannot be opened because they are being recorded.
Q: Why do I see some old record sections that cannot be covered when playback?
A: The selected disk partitions may be selected differently from the current partitions. The recorded files are being
played back when covering it. Database of recorded log was damaged. SuperDVR might have been installed in a
different directory.
Q: Why take precautions when changing the date and time on the system hosting iCamDVR?
A: The superDVR system provides the retrieving mechanism of video files, which is based on the system time as
retrieving reference. Changing the computer date/time after SuperDVR software installation will create high risk of
confusion and disorder of date/time during playback which in terms causes problem during record search. To avoid
such controversy, please note the following:
1) Setup or confirm the date/time before configuring superDVR to record.
2) Deactivate computer system auto time updating feature.
3) Ensure the computer hosting the SuperDVR is operating properly and has no clock issues before SuperDVR installation.
Q: If the system time must be changed, what should I do first?
A: If the new updated date/time is later than the current date/time, changes can be made at any time. For example; if
current computer date/time is 01/01/2007 10:00:00 and the new updated date/time is 01/01/2008 10:00:00 then it is
okay to go ahead and update the date/time.
If on the other hand, the new updated date/time is before the current date/time on the computer, stop the video
recording, backup all video data to avoid overwritten and exit out of SuperDVR to change the date/time, start SuperDVR
again. For example; if current computer date/time is 01/01/2008 10:00:00 and the target new time is 01/01/2007
10:00:00, stop SuperDVR recording, backup all needed video file first, exit SuperDVR to change the date/time.