User configuration panel – SecurityMan iCamDVR (after Dec. 2011 shipment) User Manual
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38 | SecurityMan
Baud Rate - P.T.Z device Baud Rate ranges from
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400,
57600, and 115200. Please reference PTZ user’s
guide to specify correct baud rate for your camera.
Data bits – ranges from 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 (default).
Please reference PTZ user’s guide to specify cor-
rect data bits for your camera.
Parity – can be of None (default), Odd, Even, Mark
& Space parity bit. Please reference PTZ user’s
guide to specify correct parity setting for your
Stop Bits – ranges from 1 (default), 1.5, & 2. Please
reference PTZ user’s guide to specify correct stop
bits for your camera.
Please refer to the P.T.Z protocol camera manual/guide for
serial port setting such as Baud Rate, Protocol, Data Bits, Parity,
Stop Bits, and Address prior to PTZ Configuration.
User Configuration Panel
Click on the icon from the Config to enter the User
Configuration panel as illustrated below in figure 52.
The system administrator default login name is SYSTEM
and the default password is N/A or no password input.
The administrator login is the most superior; they can
configure, edit, add, delete users, re-schedule recording,
and etc. Administrator login can “add”, “edit” and/or
“Delete” user configuration parameters.
figure 52 - User Configuration