SecurityMan iCamDVR (after Dec. 2011 shipment) User Manual
Page 11
11 | SecurityMan
Click “Next” to proceed.
Setup Type windows Select to setup “NTSC or PaL” video
standard, for U.S. customers and other NTSC countries se-
lect NTSC and the click “Next” to continue setup. All other
than NTSC countries select PAL and then click “Next” to
continue setup.
Next click on “Install SuperDVR” and the installation
process start with User Account Control windows, please
select “Cancel” to quite installation or select “SuperDVR.
eXe Unknown Publisher“ (Windows 7) or select “allow I
trust this program. I know where it’s from or I’ve used it
before.” to continue installation as illustrated below.
figure 5 - Welcome Page
figure 6 - Select Video format
figure 4 - automatic
figure 3 - Installation Selection