Alarm configuration panel – SecurityMan iCamDVR (after Dec. 2011 shipment) User Manual

Page 29

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29 | SecurityMan

Set Motion Detection Sensitivity
Click and drag the Sensitivity bar to adjust value for
motion detection Sensitivity. Adjust the Sensitivity
accordingly to preference, sensitivity ranges from 0 to
100, 100 being the most sensitive level and 0 is the least
sensitive level.

alarm Configuration Panel

The alarm Configuration Panel as its name states is
where alarm inputs and alarm outputs are configured.
There are a total of three tabs under alarm Configuration
and they are labeled as alarm output, autoMail,
and emap,
which will be explain in more detail below.

Also under the alarm Configuration Panel is Buzzer
which uses the computer’s built-in buzzer as an alarm
output whenever there are limited of available disk space
in the system or motion triggers, Pre-alarm Record to
record video event before the actual event occurred, full
Screen alarm
is whenever motion triggered the triggered
camera channel will become single full screen mode for
a period of time, Motion holding time is motion record-
ing time per event(s) and finally Disk shortage alarm
provides alarm buzzer via computer built-in buzzer and/or
email administrator via smtp/pop server. Please proceed

to figure 36 and figure 37 below for more detail explana-

Relative alarm Configuration Explanations:
Select this option to enable and utilizes the computer’s
built-in buzzer so that when motion alarm triggers or there
is a shortage in hard drive spaces, the built-in buzzer in the
computer will output a loud beeping/buzzing sound. The
buzzer time can be setup between 5, 10, and 20 seconds of

Disk Shortage alarm
If the hard drive’s available percentage space is less than
the set value percentage value, the buzzer will beep and/
or email the system administrator. This is Buzzer and au-
dependent, meaning the Buzzer and/or autoMail
has to be selected/checked, see Buzzer explanation above
and autoMail below for better understanding. Disk short-
age alarm setting ranges from 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%.
The default percentage is set to 25%.

figure 36 - alarm Configuration