Motion detection configuration panel, Video proamp panel – SecurityMan iCamDVR (after Dec. 2011 shipment) User Manual

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Motion Detection configuration Panel

Click the Motion Detection Configuration panel to
enter Motion Detection Configuration and the windows as
illustrated in Figure35 will appear.

Select a desire CAM1~CAM4 (camera) to configure motion
detection areas. Left click and drag any section(s) of the
camera image display to setup motion detection areas (left
click & drag maximum is 16 customize areas for each channel/
CAM), click on Select All to select all area to be sensitive
to motion detection, or click on Clear to reset/clear all the
motion detection area(s). All active Motion detection area(s)
will have a green highlight box/rectangular appearance.

Video Proamp Panel

Click the Video Proamp panel to enter the video
configuration menu as shown in Figure34. Video Proamp
provides wide range adjustments of Contrast, Brightness,
Hue, and Saturation per camera enhancement image.
The adjustments leverage ranges from 0 to 255 levels. If
the camera image appears to be too bright, saturated, etc.
simply click on the Defaults button to reset all adjusted
leverage to the default setting value of 128.

figure 34 - Video Configuration

figure 35 - Motion Detection Configuration