Mode 0 operation, Mode 1 operation – Electro Cam PS-6144 Series User Manual
Page 67

5-3 Output Grouping & Modes
Mode 0 Operation
Output channels in a group assigned to Mode 0 function normally and are not affected
by the corresponding input terminal or group channel.
• MOTION ANDING and OUTPUT ENABLE ANDING can be used with outputs in a
Mode 0 group.
• The machine position for a Mode 0 group can be set through OFFSET programming,
Section 3.
Mode 0 Programming
During OUTPUT GROUP programming, group together output channels that should
remain unaffected by Modes, and assign them Mode 0.
Mode 1 Operation
Outputs in a group assigned to Mode 1 are always enabled to turn on at their pro-
grammed setpoints. However, when the corresponding input terminal is energized, the
machine position for the group immediately resets to the “Preset” value programmed
through the OFFSET function, Section 3. Once the position is reset, the input terminal
will have no effect until it is turned off and the resolver reaches the leading edge of a
pulse programmed into the corresponding group channel. See Figure 28 for input ter-
minal and group channel assignments.
This mode can be used to automatically adjust phase relationships between machine
sections. It can also be used in applications where some machine sections run multiple
cycles per resolver revolution.
• The group position resets at the leading edge of the input terminal signal, regardless
of how long the terminal is on.
• Once a reset occurs, the input terminal has no
effect until it is de-energized and the leading
edge of a pulse in the corresponding group
channel re-arms the terminal.
• When the position of a group resets, the posi-
tion of the corresponding group channel also
• On start-up, the input terminal is armed and
the group position is the same as the value
programmed in SHAFT POSITION, Section 3.
On power-down, the group’s current position
setting will be lost.
• Either edge of a pulse in the group channel
can re-arm the input terminal. If the resolver
shaft is rotating in the forward direction (posi-
tion is increasing as shaft rotates) the “on” edge
of the pulse will re-arm the terminal. If the shaft
is rotating in the reverse direction (position de-
creasing as shaft rotates), the “off” edge of the
pulse will re-arm the terminal.
• Each program in the controller can have different setpoints for output channels and
the corresponding group channel.
• MOTION ANDING and OUTPUT ENABLE ANDING can be used with outputs in a
Mode 1 group.