1 product description, 1 overview, 1 features – Micromod MOD: 30ML Installation User Manual

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MOD 30ML Multiloop Controller






MOD 30ML 1800R Standard Version: The MOD 30ML Multiloop Controller, Figure 1-1, is a
3x6 instrument with a 6 line 3 bar graph configurable display, removable rear terminations,
and built-in communications. The controller has two built-in universal analog inputs and two
analog outputs, room for eleven additional modular I/O positions (single point or remote I/O
interface) and an optional memory module.

MOD 30ML 1803R Split Architecture Version: The split-architecture version of the MOD
30ML is the combination of the instrument chassis and a remote display assembly as shown
in figure 1.2. The rear termination and the display unit are as shown in Figure 1.1.

1.1.1 Features

 3X6 (72mm X 144mm) instrument with behind panel depth of 15.75 inches (400mm) in

the standard version.

 3X6 (72mm X 144mm) display with remote mounting up to 8 feet from the instrument

chassis in the Split Architecture version.

 Motorola 68302 processor, including on chip RISC communications processor
 Universal ac power supply (85 to 250VAC/ 50 to 400 Hz, 20-50VDC)
 11 I/O sockets available for process I/O and communications modules
 64K bytes non volatile database RAM
 Embedded real-time clock with 1ms resolution
 Remote I/O Interface module option which supports up to 100 discrete I/O points.
 A Service Manual switch under the front panel which allows a single point output to be

manually adjusted and displayed (Jumper J5 for NEMA 4 as shown in Figure 1-1).

 NEMA 4 option.
 Removable rear terminations.

Portable Memory Module
 Optional plug on module that provides 64K bytes of redundant, removable non volatile

RAM for database backup, portability and integrity (allows a data base to be ported from
one instrument to another)

 Updated every 50 ms

Process I/O
 Built-in I/O of two direct connected universal analog inputs and two control outputs.
 Single point direct connected I/O modules for wide variety of process signals
 Embedded microprocessor provides high-resolution signal conversion
 Individually Opto-isolated to 250Vrms, continuous
 Per-point, configurable fail-safe and power fail/restart settings
 Provide loop power for 2-wire transmitters