Magnum Venus Plastech HIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL User Manual
Page 52

- 52 - H.I.S. Instruction Manual
54. Place lock collar on end of upper piston rod and screw lower piston rod assembly
onto upper piston rod. Use a drop of LOCTITE® on the threads.
Note: To tighten piston rods, use wrench slots located on bottoms of upper and
lower piston rods.
55. Place o-ring on adapter. Slide adapter over connecting rod with o-ring end of
adapter towards center section.
56. Slide seal over connecting rod and place inside adapter.
57. Screw piston body assembly onto ball stop coupling.
58. Slide collar over piston body and connecting rod assemblies.
59. Screw bolts through collar and into holes in center section.
Note: Collar, adapter, spring retainer, spring and packing set will have to be
depressed slightly in order to start bolts in center section. Tighten bolts evenly
until adapter bottoms out against center section.
60. Slide pump tube over connecting rod assembly and screw into adapter. Pump
tube may be reversed when piston cup end becomes scored or worn.
Note: Use MVP tube wrench or suitable substitute to tighten tube. Do not use pipe
wrench or tool that could crush kink or damage tube easily.
Note: This model of pump has a four inch stroke. Therefore only four inches of the
cylinder (lower end) will show any wear from piston. The long pump cylinder is
identical on either end. Should excessive wear occur, reverse pump cylinder so
piston operates on a new surface area. After both ends of tube are worn, the tube
can be re-honed (machined) and the tube used on both ends again. Original Inner
Diameter of cylinder is 1.750, it can be honed to 1.760 and still perform properly. If
pump tube is properly cared for, its life can be increased 4 times.
61. Place ball in foot valve.
62. Place foot valve spring on top of ball (small diameter of spring towards ball).
63. Using pliers squeeze ball stop and insert into groove on inside of foot valve.
Note: Keep spring below ball stop during installation.
64. Screw foot valve assembly on end of pump tube (wrench snug).
65. Screw orifice into flow control body and screw assembly into pump center section.
MVP recommends thread sealer to prevent leaks.
66. For accumulator and filter instructions see standard pump procedure in this manual.
Resin Pump Slave Arm assembly
Align holes in lower slave arm with holes in center section.