GF Signet 2552 Metal Magmeter Flow Sensor User Manual
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2552 Magmeter
8.1 Bi-Directional
The 2552 magmeter is designed to measure bi-directional fl ow.
4 to 20 mA output models: May be scaled to span any
fl ow range:
For example: "4 to 20 mA = -100 GPM to +100 GPM"
Frequency output models: The 2552 will generate
a frequency regardless of fl ow direction. Signet
instrumentation cannot distinguish bi-directional fl ow from
frequency inputs.
• Digital
L) output models: Reverse fl ow results in 0
fl ow rate displayed on the 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller.
• The
fl ow direction is indicated at the base of the
sensor. The arrow must point DOWNSTREAM.
8.2 USB to Digital (S
L) Confi guration/Diagnostic Tool
No calibration is necessary to begin using the 2552.
The application and performance settings are selected by the factory to meet the requirements of most applications.
The 2552 application and performance settings can be customized using the 3-0250 USB to Digital (S
L) Confi guration/
Diagnostic Tool.
The following parameters can be modifi ed with the 3-0250 USB Setup tool and software. A Windows PC is required:
4 to 20 mA span: Factory setting is 0 to 5 m/s.
Can be customized to any range, including bi-directional fl ow ranges, ±10 m/s maximum.
Noise Rejection Filter: Factory set for 60 Hz.
Can be changed to 50 Hz.
Low Flow Cutoff: Factory setting is 0.05 m/s.
Can be increased to meet specifi c application requirements.
Averaging Time:Factory setting is 14 seconds
Can be customized from 0.1 seconds to 100 seconds
Sensitivity: Factory setting is 25% of full scale
Can be customized to any % of full scale
The MONITOR/VERIFY SENSOR function in the Signet 3-0250
Setup Tool software is very useful as a system troubleshooting
8. Technical Support Information