AVTECH Room Alert 12ER Monitor (RA12E-TH1-RAS) User Manual
Page 30

Room Alert 12E
AVTECH Software, Inc.
Analog Sensor Settings
You may configure your 0-5 VDC analog sensor in these fields. In the example below, we are
configuring AVTECH’s Current Loop.
1. In the set of fields on the right of the screen, click “Enable” to turn on the “Reference,”
“Scale” and “Units” fields.
• In “Reference,” enter values from 5 to 0 that represent the “High” and “Low” points
of your analog sensor’s output signal range. In the case of the Current Loop, which
outputs a signal of 0-5 VDC, we’ve left the default values.
• In “Scale,” enter the “High” and “Low” points of the scale you want the “Reference”
reading to be converted to. In our Current Loop example, we would like to convert 0-
5 volts to 0-10 amps, so we’ve replaced the default of 5 in “High” with 10 and left the
default of 0 in “Low.”
• In “Units,” enter a 1- to 3-character label for the unit type that your readings will be
measured in. If you are measuring amperage, as with the Current Loop, you might
enter “A” or “Amp,” for example. Note that this field is merely a label and does not
affect any of the calculations.
The “High” and “Low” fields in “Analog Sensor Settings” can
hold up to 4 characters total: 4 numbers, such as 9999, or 3
numbers and a decimal point, such as 99.9.
Work from right to left to configure the Analog Sensor.