AVTECH Panic Button 1 (RMA-PB1-SEN) User Manual
Panic button, Instructions for installing the panic button, Room alert

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The Panic Button is a large red button that can be easily located and activated in an emergency. It is useful in situations
where someone is working alone and may need help in a hurry although is unable to leave to get help or spend time
contacting people by phone or other methods. Security stations or manufacturing lines are examples of good locations.
Staff should be trained for the exact circumstances under which the Panic button is to be used. We recommend that
its use be restricted to a specific set of circumstances so that the recipients of the alarm messages have a clear idea
of what important event has occurred. The persons who are designated to receive the alert notifications initiated by
the Panic Button should be trained as to the exact procedure that is to be carried out.
The two normally ‘open’ connectors in the alarm switch are wired to the Room Alert ID Box using sensor cable.
The normally ‘open’ switch has the letters ‘N.O.’ printed on the switch in very small letters and is gray in color.
Sensor cable can be any low voltage cable such as bell wire, speaker cable, data cable or telephone cable. Minimum
voltage insulation 50v, minimum current carrying capacity 1A.
Maximum recommended length is approximately
100´ although shorter lengths will yield more reliable performance and distances up to 900´ are possible. Test your
setup to ensure proper operation.
When the Panic Button is pressed, Room Alert will send an alarm if it is configured to do so. The alarm condition
or status will continue until the Panic Button is manually reset (pull red button out until you hear a solid click) to
the up or out position.
Panic Button
Instructions For Installing The Panic Button
Application Note
Room Alert
© 1988 - 2012 AVTECH Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Screw Connectors On The Sensor ID Boxes Are Volt-Free Contacts Only. Do Not Connect These Terminals To Any Live Circuit.
A Qualified Electrician Should Be Consulted To Test Any Wires You Connect To The Room Alert ID Box For The Presence Of Electrical
Voltages And If Any Are Detected, They Must Not Be Wired To The ID Box. The ID Box May Become Dangerous If You Connect It
To A Live Circuit. Never Connect Main Power To Any Of The Room Alert Sensors Unless Specifically Instructed To Do So Using The
AVTECH Software 5V Power Adapter. If Required, An AVTECH Software 5V Power Adapter Will Be Included With That Sensor.
DO NOT Use Switch Sensors In ‘Explosive’ Environments Unless Approved For Those Environments.