Symbol definitions – Extron Electronics IPCP 505 User Guide User Manual

Page 59

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IPCP 505 • SIS Programming and Control


In either method, {Data} = data that will be directed to a specified port and must

be hex encoded if non-alphanumeric.

NOTE: If you make adjustments, it takes up to 1 minute 40 seconds

(100 seconds) for the data in the IPCP RAM to be saved to flash memory. Do
not remove power during that period.

Symbol Definitions


= CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) (hex 0D 0A)


= Carriage return (no line feed, hex 0D)

(for URL-encoded commands, use the pipe


, instead)

= Space character


= Pipe (vertical bar) character


= Asterisk character (which is a command character,

not a variable)


= Escape key (hex 1B)

(for URL-encoded commands, use

W instead




= Specific port number or relay number (01-99)

Serial ports:

IR/serial ports:

01 = COM1 port

09 = IR/serial port 1

02 = COM2 port

10 = IR/serial port 2

03 = COM3 port

11 = IR/serial port 3

04 = COM4 port

12 = IR/serial port 4

05 = COM5 port

13 = IR/serial port 5

06 = COM6 port

14 = IR/serial port 6

07 = COM7 port

15 = IR/serial port 7

08 = COM8 port

16 = IR/serial port 8

Relay ports:

Flex I/O ports:

01 = Relay port 1

01 = I/O port 1

02 = Relay port 2

02 = I/O port 2

03 = Relay port 3

03 = I/O port 3

04 = Relay port 4

04 = I/O port 4

05 = Relay port 5

06 = Relay port 6

07 = Relay port 7

08 = Relay port 8

Switched power output ports:

01 = power port 1

02 = power port 2

03 = power port 3

04 = power port 4

00 = reserved or all ports

NOTE: Port numbers are two ASCII characters

(two bytes). For example, port 1 is represented
as 01.


= Command data section.

NOTE: For web encoding only:

data will be directed to the specified port and
must be encoded (URL encoding) if it is
non-alphanumeric. Change any
non-alphanumeric character (%, +,





and the like) within the data section into the
corresponding hexadecimal equivalent, %xx,

where xx represents the two-character hex

For example, a space (hex: 20) would be
encoded as %20 (hex: 25 32 30) and

a plus sign (hex: 2B) would be encoded as %2B

or hex 25 32 42.


= Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset value

(-12.00 to +14.00) represents the time difference

in hours and minutes (+/-hh:mm) relative

to Greenwich, England. The leading zero is

optional. For example, 5:30 = 05:30. Do not use

a plus (+) sign if the GMT offset is positive.


= On/off status

0 = off/disable

1 = on/enable


= Version (typically listed to two decimal places; for

example, x.xx)


= IPCP 505 unit name. The name is a text string of up

to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z),

digits (0-9), and minus sign/hyphen (-). No blank

or space characters are permitted as part of a

name. No distinction is made between upper

and lower case. The first character

must be a

letter. The last character

must not be a minus

sign or hyphen.


= Local date and time format

Set format (MM/DD/YY-HH:MM:SS).

Example: 01/18/05-10:54:00.

Read format (day of week, date month year


Example: Tue, 13 Jun 2011 18:19:33.


= IP address ( Leading zeros in each

of the four fields are optional in setting values,

and they are suppressed in returned values.

IPCP 505 default address:


= E-mail domain name; for example,


= Time in tens of milliseconds to wait until the


response character is received via a serial port

before terminating the current receive operation.

(Default = 10 = 100 ms, max. = 32767.) The

response includes leading zeros.

NOTE: For commands that use both





both variables must be zero or both must be

non-zero. In the RS (send data) command,


may be omitted as long as


is also



= Hardware (MAC) address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx)

(00-05-A6-xx-xx-xx) For the location of this
address, see


MAC address

on page 13 in

“Hardware Features and Installation”.


= Subnet mask ( Leading zeros are

optional in setting values in each of the four

fields, and they are suppressed in returned

values. Default =


= Time in tens of milliseconds to wait


characters being received via a serial port

before terminating the current command or

receive operation. The response includes

leading zeros. (Default = 2 = 20 ms,

max. = 32767.)

See the note for


, as it pertains to this

variable, as well.